Your financing affects your growth.
Successful fleets grow quickly because they maximize their access to capital. Don't stunt your business by tying up all your available funds in fleet ownership.
At NIE Finance, we understand the fleet business is all about scaling. We cater our offerings to support the growth of your fleet and health of your balance sheet. Get a quote today.
When is leasing better than buying?
Buying vs. leasing is a decision that can greatly affect how well a business grows long term. Both have pros and cons, so this decision is about case-by-case opportunity costs.
For many every day consumers, the cost of leasing outweighs the opportunities of capital flexibility. But for most growing fleet businesses, leasing can make a lot of sense.

Why Choose NIE Finance?
Your fleet is an investment and your vehicle operations play a critical role in serving your customers. With an integrated strategy and synergetic thinking, it can also drive growth and fuel success for your company.
NIE aligns your fleet with your organization’s overall measures for success by prioritizing strategic planning throughout the entire vehicle lifecycle — offering transportation as a service rather than a transaction.
With the right mindset, each stage of the lifecycle offers an opportunity to create value and deliver returns to your bottom line. Our fleet management services can help you optimize your operation, reduce lifetime cost, and keep your business moving.
Breadth of Services
Vehicle Spec’ing and Acquisition
Driver Services and Logistics
Vehicle Inspections and Registrations
Fuel Management Services and Telematics
Maintenance Programs and Remarketing
One-Stop Convenience
We can provide virtually any make/model without you ever stepping foot on a dealership.
Since we provide both financing and the vehicles, you avoid paying middlemen.
Competitive Rates
Leasing makes even more sense if your rate is low.
Our large and diverse leasing portfolio allows us to lend in high volumes and at low rates, which helps you scale.